Roll Media
HEPA V minipleat filters in PAU
Interfold and ES Pleated
Interfold and Electrostatic Pleated
Vcell installed in PAU
BIBO Housings
BIBO Housings Site Installations
Chemical Carbon IFR HD SH
Carbon 4V honeycomb
Carbon Honeycomb and Vcell Installations
BIBO Housings
SS304 BIBO Housing and Bubble Tight damper
HEPA Filters
HEPA AlSep and HEPA V Filters Manufacturing
HEPA leak test
HEPA leak test

Carbon Honeycomb Vcell Carbon Pleated Vcell Carbon Refillable V

Activated Carbon Media of CTC>60%

  • more than 60% CTC Vapours Removal
  • Various Carbon media
  • Rugged Gi Corrosion-Resistant Frame for Rigidity for years of usage for carbon refill
  • Carbon Honeycomb Vcell (Disposable) for faster, lighter and cleaner replacement
Model: Carb Hon Vcell

Carbon Vcell Honeycomb , 1" Carbon Bed, Standard Single Header 12" Depth, Disposable, for easy disposal

All Range Suitable for Supply Air in PAHU, AHU, Return AHU, Exhaust Air in fumehoods, Biosafety Cabinets, Kitchen Exhaust

Model: RSE12
Carbon Refillable, 3" Carbon Bed

Heavy Duty Carbon and 3" Carbon Bed for longer lifespan and longer residence time 

Model: RSE18

RSE18 Carbon Refillable V , 1" Carbon Bed

Heavy Duty Carbon and 3" Carbon Bed for longer lifespan and improved airflow

Types of Carbon Media

CA1: For general organic vapours and all range of gases

CA2A: Specific use for acids gases, HClCA2B: For specific use of bases gases, SO2, NO2

CA4: Chemically Impregnated for mixture of gases and chemicals, SO2, H2S, Ammonia, Formaldehye

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